So, now it’s time for me to rant a bit. For the past few years, I’ve been watching what I can only term a disrespectful attitude toward Christianity in shows, songs, and advertising. I know what you are thinking: This is nothing new. It has been around since the Elmer Gantry character was created. And you are right. The Elmer Gantry figure, the Church Lady from SNL, and abusive nuns, priests, and pastors in film and television are a part of our culture. It is our nature to call out hypocrisy—and if any of you has …
You know how separation anxiety works: You get this awkward feeling that something isn’t right. You feel like you’re missing something. There’s this indefinable, but undeniable blasé feeling. I sit here at my computer and realize I’m feeling that way right now.
Yesterday, I happily turned over the manuscript for Penance to my publisher. Yay! I should be happy, right? I AM happy to complete the book. I’m VERY happy with the final product. But I’m a bit sad too. You see, when you live with characters every day for months at a time, they become somehow greater than the …
It was my pleasure to sell books from a table at last week’s Steel City ComiCon in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was my first ComiCon, and I was a bit nervous. Nervous, you ask? You betcha! Maybe I spent too much time in New York, but I have an inherent distrust of people in costumes. Not only that, but I wasn’t sure how my books would appeal to the costumed masses. I figured a lot of the attendees could get behind the alien abduction phenomena referenced in the books—but Bible prophecy?
Well, let me say I was VERY pleasantly surprised. …
Have you ever wondered if extraterrestrials have been in touch with us and we didn’t know it? What if the extraterrestrial influence on our lives was so commonplace that we had trouble distinguishing its unearthly origin? What if an extraterrestrial message was nearby at your fingertips—would you want to know what it said?
These are interesting questions, but they are not a flight of fancy. There is startling evidence that the words of the Bible were written from a perspective beyond the space/time we call home.…
The Bible is a fascinating book with the power to change lives. That’s a true statement, but let’s face it, if you’ve never read the Bible before, it can be pretty intimidating.
Sometimes people ask me what I get out of reading it. It’s an easy question, but it is hard to answer. I truly believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. In my life, it has had and continues to have the power to heal my sinful nature. Like a lot of people, I lived a pretty clean life externally, but I was filled with bitterness, rage, …
I am especially happy today, because I have just finished my first pass at the third novel in the This Generation Series, Penance! Michael and crew have a lot to see and experience before their storylines end. This novel is grittier than the first two, but then again times are tough for our characters. They have to deal with the loss of family and friends at the end of Pentecost, and they have to forge new relationships in order to survive in a world gone mad. Rest assured, though, this book is both exciting and really fun …