So, now it’s time for me to rant a bit. For the past few years, I’ve been watching what I can only term a disrespectful attitude toward Christianity in shows, songs, and advertising. I know what you are thinking: This is nothing new. It has been around since the Elmer Gantry character was created. And you are right. The Elmer Gantry figure, the Church Lady from SNL, and abusive nuns, priests, and pastors in film and television are a part of our culture. It is our nature to call out hypocrisy—and if any of you has …
The Midrashic hermeneutic is a Jewish way of looking at Scripture and prophecy. A concept within this method of Bible interpretation is the idea that some prophecies of the Bible are not explicit, but implicit in the repetition of patterns. There are numerous examples where the life of a Jewish patriarch prefigures the life of Christ. For example, Joseph’s brothers betrayed him, and God used that act of betrayal as a way to save Jacob’s family during a time of famine. Similarly, Jesus was betrayed by his Jewish brothers, only to have that act of betrayal result in the salvation …