Recently, I was asked, “How would a New World Order that impinges on human rights benefit the wealthy?” It’s an excellent question and one that requires a look at history to come to a complete answer. That said, the answer is two-fold because it is both economic and spiritual.
Economically, you have to understand that the elite are well aware of the burgeoning population and the limited resources of the planet. In a word, they want it all, and they have been sophisticated and stealthy in their move upon the rest of us. In the past hundred years or so, they have moved aggressively to steal the wealth of the world. Historically, they have done this by forming central banks unrelated to and uncontrolled by the governments they purport to serve. In a nutshell, through subterfuge they take the right to print money from governments in exchange for interest-bearing notes. Once they have control of the money, they create booms and busts, gobbling up assets for a fraction of their value during these manipulated times of economic collapse.
Our government was founded on the constitutional mandate that only Congress has the right to print money. Then in stunning move during 1913, bankers and their cronies in the White House slipped The Federal Reserve Act before Congress on December 23, as most members of the legislative branch were on their way home to celebrate Christmas. Essentially, through the act, Congress outsourced its responsibility to a consortium of banks, which print our money and charge us interest on every dollar printed. Strike one!
Following the script of every pump and dump scheme, the bankers took their first slice from the U.S. economy during the Great Depression. Then they capitalized on the hard work of countless Americans to deliver the world from World War II with the establishment of an international agreement known as the Bretton Woods Agreement. Basically, Bretton Woods pegged every currency of the world to the U.S. dollar under the proviso that the U.S. dollar remain backed by gold. Now every currency in the world was hard-wired to the dollar. Strike Two.
Strike Three came when President Nixon took the U.S. currency off of the gold standard. Suddenly, there was no backing for any currency in the world. In effect, since that time no currency has been worth more than the paper it’s printed on.
Having won that inning, the bankers decided to carry on without giving the rest of us a turn at bat. They have succeeded in inflating the world currencies at a phenomenal rate, driving every world government to crippling debt payable to, you guessed it, the bankers themselves. There’s an old saying: “As the dollar goes, so goes the world.” A collapse of the dollar would leave world governments with nothing but their countries’ assets to pay off quadrillions of dollars of debt.
We are an economic collapse away from the elite owning everything of value. After that event, the only remaining thing of value will be human capital, the value of services performed by every man and woman in the world. They’ll take that by impinging greatly on human rights. In fact, they’ll happily make life miserable enough to cause a rapid decrease in the world’s population. After all, when all is said and done they’ll only need enough of us to keep things running smoothly for them. They have been quoted as estimating that number to be 500 million to a billion people. A full six billion of us are considered redundant!
And that is the economic side of it. Inflate, collapse, steal. Demotivate, subjugate, eliminate. But there is a spiritual side as well.
As the world heads at breakneck speed to the social madness envisioned by the power elite, we have to ask ourselves if there isn’t some sort of spiritual connection that would provide these people with the passion and drive to carry out their plans—some delusion that leads them to believe a mass culling is the answer to society’s ills. The fact is: their beliefs can be traced back to Luciferian origins. The people at the top are motivated by and receive spiritual power from the dark side of reality. I won’t go into detail here, but in previous blogs I have already mentioned hidden camera footage of ceremonies wherein the movers and shakers of society gather in Bohemian Grove, California, to perform mock(?) infanticide worship to the ancient god, Moloch. It is almost too much to imagine, but it is documented.
Believe it or not, they are of ill intent and they want everything you own and the value of your work life. They are well on their way to getting it. And they are deluded by the Master Deceiver himself.
I leave you with a few thoughts from our founding fathers about the evil that can come to society when the power to print money is usurped by the power elite.
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies … If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
Thomas Jefferson
“History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling the money and its issue.”
James Madison
“Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? Controlling our currency, receiving our public moneys, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence … would be more formidable and dangerous than a military power of the enemy.”
Andrew Jackson
If you are interested in the details, I highly recommend The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin and Bankruptcy of Our Nation by Jerry Robinson.